Our Story

Our story
Leave alone those many Fixed Match Scammers and free websites that offer predictions online. There are many services online and that tends to be very confusing to most people. Sports Foregoal offers a unique system of predicting  and getting the sure Value Bet tips of the day. Our service is also very easy to work with and you can find all the useful information with just a few steps.
We Sports Foregoal like to have our customers trust us. We have the best selection of soccer picks in the market. Almost any competitor can’t compare with us.  To Lie against the truth: WE ARE THE BEST, GENUINE AND AFFORDABLE SO FAR.

In December, 2015 we started this project by realizing the need that people have for sure winning Value Bet predictions. Our team worked day and night for this project and we’re proud of what Foregoal KE means at this moment.
We growing more, each day,  and many people from different countries across the world get our Best Selected picks. The profits that they’re making because of our work are the best example of demonstrating that we’re doing a very good job here and that we work and respect our audience.
Our goal was and remains to create honest picks designed to increase your profit. We have nothing to hide from our clients. If we had a long loosing streak or little gain we always tell the truth to ensure consistent transparency. Our target is to only achieve 54% winning percentage of which always perform greater than the value and make more profit. We’re the navy seals of the betting world. We’re always doing our job right and even if sometimes we have bad luck with what we’re predicting, at the end of the week or month our visitors will always see that we’re making a profit for them.
You want more winning picks, matches or betting options to choose from? Foregoal is the place you need. Visit us every day and you’ll see how wonderful is what we’re doing here.
In Summary:
Our main advantages are the following:
1. We’re betting masters. This is our only job. We earn our living from betting and predicting who’s going to win.
2. Our team has 31  Valued  members by 18/05/2017 . Together our team have accumulated experience of not less than 3 years!
3. There are four members in our team who worked as bookmakers in the past. This is unique for a picks website.
4. We love what we do and that’s why we spend 12 hours each day on our website
So don’t waste your time and keep losing your cash. Picks is the only resource from which you can win your bets. Follow us on Facebook and twitter and stay updated with our best betting tips.
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One response to “Our Story”

  1. Brian losute Avatar
    Brian losute

    I agree wt ur predictions